Monday, May 7, 2007

Selected Portfolio Work

Child Portrait
Chang Liu Wedding 5/5/07
Nikon D80

Something Lost to be screened at the Ohio Short Film & Video Showcase

My video Something Lost will be screened at The Ohio Short Film & Video Showcase this coming Saturday may 12th at The Wexner Center for the Arts.

It starts at 7:00PM in the Film/Video Theater and tickets are $3.

Come see work from artists all over Ohio along with myself and two other OSU Art and Tech undergraduates Bill Shackelford and Colin James McDonald.

Hope to see you there!

My B.F.A. Thesis Exhibition

Thanks to all who came to my B.F.A. Thesis Exhibition!

Here is a picture from the Clean Space gallery after Ryan Hale and I got done setting everything up

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Something Lost

Something Lost
Final Project Art 595 Independent Study

Produced With:

Adobe After Effects 6.5
Adobe Photoshop CS2
Final Cut Pro
Soundtrack Pro
Cinema 4D R9.6

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Something Lost: Early Stages

Something Lost: Early Stages
3D Computer Animation
Cinema 4D R9.6

Something Lost: Early Stages

Something Lost: Early Stages
3D computer animation
Cinema 4D R9.6

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Something Lost: Early Stages

Something Lost: Early Stages
3D Computer Animation
Cinema 4D R9.6

Convenient Truths: a green video contest

Deadline is Wednesday Feb. 28th at Midnight. ( March 1st ).

Here is some info:

Videos can discuss various components of daily life including transportation, home and garden, work, recreation, etc., and in this, the subsequent actions being taken to reduce one's carbon footprint.

Videos that wish to be eligible for the EPIC International Prize can discuss these same components (transprtation, home and garden, work, etc.) but must address issues of conscious consumerism and its relationship to global warming.

Visit for more information!

Selected Portfolio Work

30-06 Round
Minerva, NY
Digital Image. Tritone Enhancement.

Corporations agree to cut emissions 2/20/07

The main point:

• Corporations, international organizations agree to cut greenhouse gas emissions
• Big names include GE, Ford, Toyota, Goldman Sachs, Alcoa, and Wal-Mart
• Agreement urges governments to place a price on the carbon emissions

My thoughts:

Sounds like the best idea since sliced bread.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Friday, February 16, 2007


3D Computer Model
Cinema 4D R9.6

Big lakes detected under Anarctica 2/16/07

The main point:

• Big sloshing lakes of water found underneath Antarctic ice sheet
• Global warming did not create the lakes
• About 90 percent of the world's fresh water is locked in Antarctica's ice cap

My thoughts:

Don't mess with the ice man.

What do you think?

Read The Story!


3D Computer Model
Cinema 4D R9.6

Senators tell forum U.S. must lead on warming 2/16/07

The main point:

Corporate moguls, policy experts and U.S. senators spoke with one voice about global warming Wednesday, telling a world forum the United States must take a lead role in cutting greenhouse gases if it wants to encourage China and India to do the same.

At a Capitol Hill meeting that included representatives from the Group of Eight industrialized nations plus China, India, South Africa, Brazil and the European Union, Sen. John McCain put the case for action on climate change bluntly.

"The debate is over, my friends," the Arizona Republican said. "Now the question is what do we do? Do we act, do we care enough about the young people of the next generation to act seriously and meaningfully, or are we going to just continue this debate and this discussion?"

My thoughts:

Yeah, what are we going to do?

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Report: January hottest on record 2/16/07

The main point:

• Record fueled by waning El Nino, warming world, according to scientists
• Land areas were 3.4 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than a normal January
• Temperature record driven by warmer weather in northern latitudes

My thoughts:

January here in C-Bus started off real warm, and ended in lots of snow and arctic temperatures. Weather is weird.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Greenpeace wins UK nuclear victory 2/15/07

The main point:

A top British judge struck a blow at Prime Minister Tony Blair's plans for a new generation of nuclear power stations on Thursday, calling the government's consultation on nuclear power "inadequate" and "wrong."

High Court judge Jeremy Sullivan handed a legal victory to environmental group Greenpeace, which had argued that the consultation carried out by the government before it decided to back new nuclear power stations was "legally flawed."

My thoughts:

Go wind.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Tied Up

Tied Up
Liberty Township, OH
Nikon D80

Work starts on arctic seed vault 2/9/07

The main point:

Deep inside the Arctic Circle work is about to begin on a giant frozen Noah's Ark for food crops to provide a last bastion in the battle against global warming.

And within a year the first seeds of what will eventually be home for samples of all 1.5 million distinct varieties of agricultural crops worldwide will be tucked safely inside the vaults deep in a mountain on the archipelago of Svalbard.

There, at the end of a tunnel 120 meters into the side of a mountain, 80 meters above estimated sea levels even if all polar ice melts, and 18 degrees Celsius below freezing, they will stay like a bank security deposit.

My thoughts:

Looks like something out of X-Men.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

$25M prize to beat greenhouse gas 2/9/07

The main point:

British tycoon Richard Branson on Friday announced a $25 million prize for the first scientist to come up with a way to extract greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

The Virgin Group chairman was joined by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and other leading environmentalists as he announced the challenge to find ways to significantly reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

My thoughts:

Good Luck

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Early Concept for my Independent Study

Early Concept for the video Something Lost
3D Computer Animation
Cinema 4D R9.6

Australia "won't end coal exports" 2/8/07

The main point:

Australia would not end its biggest single export, coal, as part of the government's strategy to curb greenhouse gas emissions, Prime Minister John Howard said Thursday.

Scientist and author Tim Flannery, who last month was chosen as Australian of the Year for his contribution to public understanding of the environment, said late Wednesday that Australia could no longer justify being the world's largest coal exporter given the dire consequences of global warming.

My thoughts:

Good, please refer to:

Australia's worst drought in a century

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Lawmakers square off on climate report 2/2/07

The main point:

Despite a strongly worded global warming report from the world's top climate scientists, the Bush administration expressed continued opposition Friday to mandatory reductions in heat-trapping "greenhouse" gases.

My thoughts:

I just read the "State of the Union," and it's clear that Bush recognizes that changes need to be made with emissions, but it's unfortunately obvious now that it was just for approval ratings.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Read the "State of the Union 2007"

Friday, February 2, 2007

Global warming report: Your e-mails 2/2/07

The main point: asked its readers to share their thoughts on global warming. Here is a selection of their responses, some of which have been edited for length and clarity:

My thoughts:

Nothing like kicking back and listening to Liberals Vs. Conservatives 101.

Eric McKenzie of Lakeland, TN writes:

Global warming is the scam of the century. Just a few years ago these same scientists were saying the planet was in a global cooling. The media needs to look at both sides of the issue. There are many scientists that say the world is in a natural, gradual warming cycle not caused by man but by the natural cycle of the sun and the universe. This planet of ours has gone through these cycles since the beginning before man had a chance to make this happen. My question is this -- if man didn't cause the change in the past, how can we say we cause it now? As humans we aren't capable of such a task. If as a whole we humans were given a task of raising the global temperatures we could not do it and are not doing it today. Don't give yourselves that much credit as a species; we are not that powerful. I believe this new fad of global warming is politically motivated and scientists with opposing opinions are intentionally silenced. Manmade global warming is a fraud.

So Eric, when our ecosystems face a global collapse, who's going to fix it. Oh yea I forgot, when our fair sister dies, god will put it all back together again? You've got to be fucking kidding me.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Report: Humans "very likely" cause global warming 2/2/07

The main point:

• Scientists release a 21-page report strongly linking humans to climate change
• Report scientist: Evidence of warming on the planet is unequivocal
• Scientists predict global temperature increases of 3.2-7.1 degrees F by 2100
• Sea levels could rise between 7 and 23 inches by the end of the century

Here is a link to download the 21-page report
Global Warming Report PDF!

My thoughts:

"very likely" is defined by them as 90-99%. Also, 7-23 inches has a mean of 15 inches. Wouldn't that clearly put Manhattan under water?

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Gore earns nomination for global warming work 2/1/07

The main point:

Former Vice President Al Gore has been nominated for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his wide-reaching efforts to draw the world's attention to the dangers of global warming, a Norwegian lawmaker said Thursday.

• Norwegian member of Parliament nominates Gore
• Gore pushed for adoption of Kyoto treaty to cut emissions
• Gore's film on global warming, "An Inconvenient Truth," nominated for Oscar

My thoughts:

Even though I'm a Democrat, I go into everything with an open mind. It's hard to say a movie isn't political when the star is a politician, but all politics aside, this documentary was one the most informative, honest, and scary films I've ever seen. Gore deserves an Oscar and the Nobel Peace Prize.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

10,000 meters deep...

Angler Fish
3D computer model still
Cinema 4D R9.6

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Climate fears darken Eiffel Tower 1/31/07

The main point:

The Eiffel Tower is to turn its famous night-time illuminations off for five minutes on Thursday to help draw attention to energy consumption and the environment on the eve of the release of a U.N. report on climate change.

My thoughts:

It's definitely quite a subtle point with an enormous meaning.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Report: Sydney heat deaths to soar 1/31/07

The main point:

Climate change in Sydney will cause a significant rise in heat-related deaths of people over 65 years of age by 2050, as Australia's biggest city suffers more heat waves, bushfires and floods, a new environment report says.

The report by Australia's premier scientific body, the Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), forecast heat-related deaths for elderly people would rise from the current 176 a year to 1,312 by 2050.

Australia is already feeling the brunt of global warming with the worst drought in 100 years eating into economic growth.

My thoughts:

I have always wanted to cook an egg on a rock in the sunshine.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Lawmakers hear of interference in global warming science 1/31/07

The main point:

• House Chairman: Officials mislead by "injecting doubt" into climate science
• Presidential contenders expound on subject at Senate hearing
• Advocacy groups' survey show many scientists subjected to political pressure
• Sens. McCain, Obama to express views on global warming at hearing

My thoughts:

Listen folks, ya'll got nothn to worry about. Global warming is just cyclical, everything is going to be fine. Ya, you think they mislead us?

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Selected portfolio work

We're falling apart
3D computer model still
Cinema 4D R9.6

Experts slam upcoming global warming report 1/29/07

The main point:

• The first of 4 major global warming reports by the IPCC expected Friday
• Critics say climate report omits melt-off of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica
• IPCC report: By 2100 the sea level will rise anywhere between 5 and 23 inches
• Journal Science study: Sea levels will rise 20 to 55 inches by 2100

My thoughts:

So lets forget about the 20-55 inches by 2100. Lets just say 12 inches. Thats one foot. That also sounds like a pretty big underestimate from what the report is speculated to say. Isn't that enough to put manhattan under water? Got sandbags?

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Leaping into the future 1/29/07

The main point:

The construction sites, laboratories and space centers of today are all hammering out cast-iron plans for projects for the future. Some of them are already underway.

Egypt's $70 billion Toshka Project (or New Valley Project) -- due to be completed in 2020 -- is turning over 500,000 acres of desert into arable land. Its centerpiece, the Mubarak Pumping Station was switched on in 2005, redirecting water from Lake Nasser towards a new valley transforming the landscape.

In China, on Chongming Island near Shanghai, the "Dongtan development" -- designed and built by the British firm Arup -- will create the world's first "eco-city" which will be completely self-sufficient and have zero greenhouse emissions. When it is completed in 2040 it will be three-quarters the size of Manhattan. More eco-cities are planned.

My thoughts:

I think these are the type of plans that we need to be thinking about. However, with where sea levels are projected to be in the next 100 years, will these "eco-cities" be too late?

What do you think?

Read The Story

Poor countries voice climate concerns 1/25/07

The main point:

Developing countries stand to suffer the worst effects of global warming, and should not have to pay for a problem created mainly by the rich, executives and experts said on Thursday.

At a gathering of 2,400 of the world's most powerful people at Davos, a ski resort in the Swiss Alps, leaders from emerging nations said they wanted the United States, European Union and others in the West to be more accountable for the heat-trapping emissions their cars and factories produce.

My thoughts:

Developing countries will surely be the first to go or at least suffer the worst effects of global warming. I imagine we will see evidence of this in the first page release of the IPCC's report on global warming and climate change on February 2nd.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Selected portfolio work

Grandmas Garden
Freehold, NJ

Satire: Northeast stunned by freak January snowfall 1/24/07

The main point:

In a rare instance of icy-cold January weather, much of the Northeast awoke Tuesday morning to find itself buried under nearly 1.5 inches of snowfall.

My thoughts:

Hilarious! Then again, some day some little kid is going to ask, "what's snow?"

What do you think?

Read The Story!

More Alaskan polar bears giving birth on land 1/24/07

The main point:

• Study: Climate change forcing more Alaskan polar bears to dig dens on land
• State's bear population could be harmed if the climate continues to grow warmer
• Scientists estimate the Beaufort Sea polar bear population at 1,526

My thoughts:

Maybe the temperatures will rise so much that the south pole will be able to support life. Then we build a bridge over or elevator down to the south pole, and move all the polar bears!

What do you think?

Read The Story!

"Smoking gun" report to say global warming here 1/23/07

The main point:

• Global warming report will warn of bleak future for planet
• Scientists to offer an "explosion of new data"
• The report will be released to the public on February 2

My thoughts:

This is absolutely huge. I believe February 2nd won't be a good day. Anyone else with me? Remember Al Gore talking about Manhattan under water? I wouldn't be shocked if the report released on February 2nd has specific dates or atleast a small range of dates when catastrophic events like that will happen.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Selected portfolio work

Lake Placid, NY

CEOs call for action against climate change 1/22/07

The main point:

• CEO's call on Bush for mandatory reductions in climate-changing pollution
• Executives represent utility, aluminum and chemical companies
• Bush expected to address climate change in State of the Union speech
• Letter urges Congress "to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions"

My thoughts:

Like mentioned earlier. This is going to be one of the major key years in action against climate change. We can only hope for a Democrat in 2008.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Storm floods Oz after dire drought 1/21/07

The main point:

Australia is living up to its iconic image as a sunburnt country of droughts and flooding rains, with a huge outback storm causing widespread flooding on Saturday while bushfires burned, fueled by a worst-in-a-century drought.

Some have been "megafires", created in part by global warming and a drought which has provided an abundance of fuel, stretching thousands of kilometers.

My thoughts:

We need to start assuming that the unimaginable events in the "it can't happen here places" are going to happen.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Nation wakes to cold reality after balmy weather 1/19/07

The main point:

• Warm weather made some forget winter's harshness
• Barrage blamed in part on El Nino, maybe rising temperatures
• Meteorological convention in Texas hit by freezing precipitation
• Warm weather boosted business; cold snap to change that

My thoughts:

I think were going to find it more difficult to predict the weather as climate change and global warming become worse.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Crunch year for planet earth 1/18/07

The main point:

• Environmentalist: 2007 a crucial year for combating climate change
• Scientists move 'Doomsday Clock' forward because of global warming
• First of 4 scientific reports expected in early February
• EU-U.S. summit in April to focus on energy security

My thoughts:

I am eagerly anticipating the February report but then again, I know the information will be bleak.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Selected portfolio work

Running Stream
Great Smoky Mountains, TN

U.N. Chief urged to act on climate change 1/17/07

The main point:

A U.N. official said on Tuesday he urged U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to take a leading role in helping world governments battle global warming after 2014, when the Kyoto treaty on climate change expires.

Yvo de Boer, head of the U.N. Climate Secretariat (UNFCCC) in Bonn, Germany, said he told Ban during a meeting on Monday at U.N. headquarters that he should organize a meeting of heads of government to chart the next global steps against warming.

My thoughts:

With carefull planning and execution, anything is possible. I do believe we have the power to eventually correct and atleast temporarily slow down this problem.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Scientists try to save world's rarest creatures 1/16/07

The main point:

• Group working to save one-of-a-kind species from extinction
• Featured species: Yangtze River dolphin, bumblebee bat, Hispaniolan solenodon
• Creatures threatened by global warming and human impact on habitat

My thoughts:

I wish I had a finger bat!

What do you think?

Read The Story!

UAE has biggest "ecological footprint" 1/16/07

The main point:

The average person in the Emirates puts more demand on the global ecosystem than any other, giving the country the world's largest per-capita "ecological footprint," WWF data shows. The United States runs second.

The country took the top spot because its energy consumption is high and emissions are spread among a small population, Loh said.

My thoughts:

An indoor ski slope? Are you serious? I understand theres not much you can do outside when it's 120 degrees but come on. You guys are so damn rich just fly to another country for a couple weeks and go skiing OUTSIDE.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Selected portfolio work

Purple Lilac
Freehold, NJ

Evangelicals, scientists join forces for global warming 1/15/07

The main point:

Some leading scientists and evangelical Christian leaders have agreed to put aside their fierce differences over the origin of life and work together to fight global warming.

"Whether God created the Earth in a millisecond or whether it evolved over billions of years, the issue we agree on is that it needs to be cared for today," said Rich Cizik, vice president of government relations for the National Association of Evangelicals, which represents 45,000 churches.

My thoughts:

All I can say is wow. When ecosystems collapse and our planet reaches its inevitable end, god is not going to fix it. It's good to see that their working together.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

M&S to spend $392M going "green" 1/15/07

The main point:

Marks and Spencer will spend £200 million ($392 million) going "green," it said on Monday, as it becomes the frontrunner among British retailers seeking favor with increasingly environmentally conscious shoppers.

Marks and Spencer (M&S) said it would spend the money over the next five years to make sure its packaging and clothing will be biodegradable or compostable and that none of its waste will be dumped in landfill sites.

My thoughts:

I think it's awesome that M&S is doing this and more retailers should go in this direction.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

2006 hottest on record for U.S. 1/10/07

The main point:

• NEW: 2006 was the warmest on record for the U.S.
• National Climatic Data Center: Average temp was 55 degrees
• 2006 was sixth warmest year on record worldwide
• Experts unsure what is causing the unusual weather

My thoughts:

I never would have thought...actual data proves that our planet is warming. What a concept!

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Selected portfolio work

Ausable Chasm
Lake Placid, NY

EU to unveil environmental vision, drastic cut in emissions 1/10/07

The main point:

The European Union will put climate change at the heart of a broad new energy policy on Wednesday as it moves to boost renewable fuels, cut consumption and curb its dependence on foreign suppliers of oil and gas.

My thoughts:

This is a great initiative by the EU. Only if we would open our eyes.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Grow like a weed? You may have an advantage 1/09/07

The main point:

"Some species evolve fast enough to keep up with environmental change. Global warming may increase the pace of this change so that certain species may have difficulty keeping up. Plants with longer life cycles will have fewer generations over which to evolve."

Also, analysis showed periods when amphibians diversified rapidly, an indication that they coped with change by changing themselves, rather than by dying out.

My thoughts:

I always knew salamanders would eventually rule the planet.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Balmy weather breaks records, jolts Northeast 1/07/07

The main point:

• Record or near-record highs reported across region
• Climatologist: Culprit for long-term trend is global warming
• Cold front expected to lower temperatures

My thoughts:

I miss snow.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Selected portfolio work

Memory Sphere
image contained: Vanderwacker Mountain, NY

Merkel, Bush talk climate change 1/05/07

The main point:

U.S. President George W. Bush and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are pledging closer cooperation on combating global warming and in trying to prod a Middle East peace, brushing aside lingering differences between the two countries.

My thoughts:

Key word here "pledge." Bush can "pledge" whatever he wants. I'll believe it when I see it...and theres no doubt in my mind when he was up there talking about global warming and climate change, he hated every second of it.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Minister slams airlines on carbon 1/05/07

The main point:

Britain's junior environment minister accused airlines on both sides of the Atlantic of irresponsibility over reduction of carbon emissions to combat global warming.

My thoughts:

Aviation absolutely has to address climate change issues. It's unquestionable that emissions reductions are needed from all the major airlines.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Selected portfolio work

North 14th Road
Minerva, NY

Dems take control: Your suggestions 1/04/07

The main point:

The new Congress has been sworn in, with Democrats controlling both houses.
What should top the legislative agenda?

My thoughts:

Theres a lot of good feedback in the responses generated from this article, but only a couple included taking new measures that benefit our planet. That should be in the top 3 atleast.

What do you think?

Read The Story!~

Climate change prompts Cabinet change in Canada 1/04/07

The main point:

• "Canadians expect a lot more" to be done clean air, PM says
• Promised Kyoto accord cuts in greenhouse emissions not met
• Conservatives trying to hold onto leadership

My thoughts:

Ignorance is bliss.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Forecasters expect toasty 2007 1/04/07

The main point:

• El Niño and greenhouse gasses could make 2007 warmest ever
• Forecasters say there's a 60 percent chance of breaking 1998 record
• El Niño a cyclical warming in the Pacific Ocean

My thoughts:

I think 2007 will be the warmest year on record.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Selected portfolio work

Rose Lake Conifers
Hocking Hills, OH

Here comes the sun 1/03/07

The main point:

• Cities typically chilly are unseasonably warm
• Meteorologists: Global warming not to blame
• Plains are exception, having been hit by blizzards

My thoughts:

El Nino may have been the major cause, but nevertheless, global warming is still occurring, and played a part in the beginning of this years' warm weather. You call this winter?

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Ancient ice shelf breaks free from Canadian Arctic 12/29/06

The main point:

• Scientist: "Disturbing event" shows "we are crossing climate thresholds"
• Researchers using satellite images discovered 2005 event
• Collapse picked up by earthquake monitors 155 miles away

A giant ice shelf the size of 11,000 football fields has snapped free from Canada's Arctic, scientists said.

My thoughts:

Well theres only 5 major ice shelves left in the Canadian arctic. Say bye.

What do you think?

Read the Story!

Selected portfolio work

Gore Mountain Trail
North Creek, NY

Drilling into the past to predict the future 12/28/06

The main point:

Scientists in Antarctica spent Christmas Day finishing work that may show the effects of global warming -- drilling for clues about how massive ice sheets responded to past temperature changes.

My thoughts:

I agree that studying how the ice sheets responded to past temperature changes will definitely help, but think about this. In 2035, the worlds population will be over 10 billion. Past temperature changes occurred under much different global conditions.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Polar bears may get protection 12/27/06

The main point:

• Interior secretary proposes listing polar bears as threatened species
• Listing would bar government from actions that would jeopardize animal or habitat
• Global warming, environmental contamination, overhunting threaten the bears

My thoughts:

Polar bears live in the north pole because the ecosystem supports them. The south pole is too cold to support life, due to it being on a continent. The north pole is in the middle of a body of water and water moderates temperature. So if the arctic starts to fail, which it already has started, then the polar bears will start to fade, which they have. If A = B, then B = A. They should have been on the endangered list years ago.

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Selected portfolio work

Hudson River Evening
Minerva, NY

Business sees green in going green 12/14/06

The main point:

"If companies understand the true cost of environmental factors to their bottom line, they are more likely to do something about it on their own." "Paying attention to the environment saves money."

My thoughts:

This one seems pretty cut and dry. It's all about the bottom line, and who wouldn't want to save 20 per cent?

What do you think?

Read The Story!

Global warming debate hits supreme court 11/29/06

The main point:

Should the Environmental Protection Agency have the right to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from newly manufactured motor vehicles?

My thoughts:

Absolutely yes...and we did until the Bush administration reversed the position in 2003.

What do you think?

Read The Story

What is the point of this blog?

Welcome to Our Fair Sister. What is Our Fair Sister? Our Fair Sister is a blog dedicated to raising awareness of global warming, and all issues related. The blog will serve as a 24/7 portal to news, events, and artwork related to global warming, and will encourage feedback on the issues from everyone. This blog will also serve as a forum for all artists who wish to display and discuss their work. All opinions are welcome.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Welcome to Our Fair Sister

The Way Back Home
Hocking Hills, OH