Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Climate fears darken Eiffel Tower 1/31/07

The main point:

The Eiffel Tower is to turn its famous night-time illuminations off for five minutes on Thursday to help draw attention to energy consumption and the environment on the eve of the release of a U.N. report on climate change.

My thoughts:

It's definitely quite a subtle point with an enormous meaning.

What do you think?

Read The Story!


Unknown said...

You mean that it is definately quite a subtle point? I would definately be interested to know how much enegery it would save in that five minute period. Compare that amount of energy to the normal household's daily consumption.

Bryce said...

Ok I figured it out. The eiffel tower uses 168 megawatts of power/day. The illuminations account for 9% which would be 15.12 megawatts/day. That comes out to be.63 megawatts/hr, making the total power saved in the 5 minute period 0.0525 megawatts. 0.0525 X 1000000 = 52,500 watts. The average home uses 24,384 watts per day. So turning the lights off for 5 minutes was equal to two average U.S. homes not using any power for a day. Crazy.